Warhammer 40,000
Dark Eldar
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The Dark Eldar, referred to as the Drukhari in the Aeldari Lexicon, are the forsaken and corrupt kindred of the Aeldari, an ancient and highly advanced alien race of fey humanoids. Their armies, like their Craftworld Aeldari counterparts, usually have the advantages of mobility and advanced technology, though they are often lacking in resilience and numbers. The Drukhari revel in piracy, enslavement and torture, and are sadistic in the extreme. Dark Eldar armies make use of various anti-gravity skimmers such as Raiders and Ravagers to launch high speed attacks. They strike with little or no warning, using an interdimensional labyrinth known as the Webway to traverse the galaxy safely and far more quickly than most advanced races are able to with their Warp jumps. The Drukhari are unique amongst the intelligent species of the Milky Way Galaxy because they do not live on a settled world or worlds, but rather the bulk of their population is concentrated in one foul, massive, interdimensional city-state -- the Dark City of Commorragh -- that lies within the "ordered" Immaterium of the Aeldari Webway. The Drukhari are mainly pirates and slavers who prey on targets across the galaxy to capture slaves they can use to feed their unholy appetites for other sentient beings' psychic suffering, a terrible desire called "the Thirst." They are also sometimes used as mercenaries by other starfaring species with an amoral bent.
Games Workshop,Warhammer,Kill Team,Kill Team,40k,Dark Eldar
Our Product Code gw-103-26 Games Workshop Code 103-26
Bar Code 5011921228980
Warhammer 40,000
Dark Eldar
Release Date
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The Dark Eldar, referred to as the Drukhari in the Aeldari Lexicon, are the forsaken and corrupt kindred of the Aeldari, an ancient and highly advanced alien race of fey humanoids. Their armies, like their Craftworld Aeldari counterparts, usually have the advantages of mobility and advanced technology, though they are often lacking in resilience and numbers. The Drukhari revel in piracy, enslavement and torture, and are sadistic in the extreme. Dark Eldar armies make use of various anti-gravity skimmers such as Raiders and Ravagers to launch high speed attacks. They strike with little or no warning, using an interdimensional labyrinth known as the Webway to traverse the galaxy safely and far more quickly than most advanced races are able to with their Warp jumps. The Drukhari are unique amongst the intelligent species of the Milky Way Galaxy because they do not live on a settled world or worlds, but rather the bulk of their population is concentrated in one foul, massive, interdimensional city-state -- the Dark City of Commorragh -- that lies within the "ordered" Immaterium of the Aeldari Webway. The Drukhari are mainly pirates and slavers who prey on targets across the galaxy to capture slaves they can use to feed their unholy appetites for other sentient beings' psychic suffering, a terrible desire called "the Thirst." They are also sometimes used as mercenaries by other starfaring species with an amoral bent.
Games Workshop,Warhammer,Kill Team,Kill Team,40k,Dark Eldar
Our Product Code gw-103-26 Games Workshop Code 103-26
Bar Code 5011921228980