Warhammer 40,000
Tau Empire
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The T'au Empire (pronounced "TOW" as in "WOW"), also spelled Tau Empire in older Imperial records, is a rapidly expanding, multispecies xenos stellar empire situated within the Imperium of Man's Ultima Segmentum, near the Eastern Fringes of the Milky Way Galaxy. It lies within the reach of the Astronomican. The T'au Empire was founded by the T'au caste called the Ethereals, who lead the T'au Empire in the name of and in accordance with the utilitarian philosophy they have named the "Greater Good" (Tau'va in the T'au Lexicon). A large and growing number of other intelligent, alien races have allied themselves with the T'au within the empire. The empire has suffered many raids from the Orks, and also seems to lie in the path of several Tyranid splinter fleets of Hive Fleet Kraken. The T'au (Imperial binomial classification: Tau tau), also spelled "Tau" in older Imperial records, are a young, humanoid and technologically-advanced intelligent species native to the Eastern Fringes of the Milky Way Galaxy. They are fighting to expand their small, but rapidly growing, interstellar empire and extend a philosophical concept they call the "Greater Good" to all the intelligent species of the galaxy.
Games Workshop,Warhammer,Kill Team,Kill Team,40k,Tau Empire
Our Product Code gw-103-51 Games Workshop Code 103-51
Bar Code 5011921220700
Warhammer 40,000
Tau Empire
Release Date
Other Information
The T'au Empire (pronounced "TOW" as in "WOW"), also spelled Tau Empire in older Imperial records, is a rapidly expanding, multispecies xenos stellar empire situated within the Imperium of Man's Ultima Segmentum, near the Eastern Fringes of the Milky Way Galaxy. It lies within the reach of the Astronomican. The T'au Empire was founded by the T'au caste called the Ethereals, who lead the T'au Empire in the name of and in accordance with the utilitarian philosophy they have named the "Greater Good" (Tau'va in the T'au Lexicon). A large and growing number of other intelligent, alien races have allied themselves with the T'au within the empire. The empire has suffered many raids from the Orks, and also seems to lie in the path of several Tyranid splinter fleets of Hive Fleet Kraken. The T'au (Imperial binomial classification: Tau tau), also spelled "Tau" in older Imperial records, are a young, humanoid and technologically-advanced intelligent species native to the Eastern Fringes of the Milky Way Galaxy. They are fighting to expand their small, but rapidly growing, interstellar empire and extend a philosophical concept they call the "Greater Good" to all the intelligent species of the galaxy.
Games Workshop,Warhammer,Kill Team,Kill Team,40k,Tau Empire
Our Product Code gw-103-51 Games Workshop Code 103-51
Bar Code 5011921220700